Er activating enzyme 1( > 자유게시판

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Er activating enzyme 1(

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작성자 Alberto
댓글 0건 조회 155회 작성일 24-04-12 09:16


Er activating enzyme 1(PubMed ID: and therapeutic implications. Leukemia MRD level monitoring contributes to impending relapse anticipation and clinical outcomes assessment, further guide's clinicians to develop reasonable and effective treatment options so that patients can avoid unnecessary chemical drug toxicity. Our QC model composed of three peptides achieved high sensitivity (90 ) and specificity (93.33 ) between newly diagnosed AML group and healthy controls. The peptides may be unique to AML and the AML specimen volume is up for augmentation for verification. The peptides could be purified to analyze their functions, so as to clear whether they are implicated in leukemogenesis. Through document retrieval, there are only two workers applied ClinProt technology for studying AL patients serum peptide fingerprint to seek for the AL biomarkers. Elssner's group made PubMed ID: a comparative analysis ofBai et al. Proteome Science 2013, 11:39 9 ofFigure 6 Correlation analysis between serum PF4 and Methyl 5-amino-2,4-difluorobenzoate platelet count in newly diagnosed AML.Figure 7 Validation of protein fragment by immunoblotting. (A) Levels of the UBA1 protein did not differ among the leukemia and normal cells. Isoform 1 of fibrinogen alpha chain precursor and PF4 immunoreactive bands show that weak or no bands are seen in newly diagnosed and refractory relapsed AML cases. (B) Densitometry comparison of UBA1 protein relative to -actin as determined by western blot analysis in figure A. (C) Densitometry comparison of isoform 1 of fibrinogen alpha chain precursor protein relative to -actin as determined by western blot analysis in figure A. (D) Densitometry comparison of PF4 protein relative to -actin as determined by western blot analysis in figure A. (UBA1: ubiquitin-like modifier activating enzyme 1; FGA: isoform 1 of fibrinogen alpha chain precursor; PF4: platelet factor 4; AML-CR: AML complete remission; AML-ND: AML newly diagnosed; AML-RR: AML refractory relapsed).Bai et al. Proteome Science 2013, 11:39 10 ofTable 4 Relative intensity of three peptides in AML different groups and healthy control groupMass 3216.57 4089.7 7762.87 Ave1 ?StdDev1 2.87 ?1.45 2.69 ?1.39 1.94 ?1.25 Ave2 ?StdDev2 1.83 ?0.53 10.08 ?4.03 8.36 ?3.35 Ave3 ?StdDev3 1.76 ?0.48 11.63 ?4.51 8.62 ?3.55 Ave4 ?StdDev4 3.08 ?1.58 2.51 ?1.35 1.73 ?1.18 n1 72 n2 72 n3 37 n4Mass mass to charge ratio value, Ave average peak intensity, StdDev standard deviation of the peak intensity, n number of patients, 1 AML newly diagnosed group, 2 healthy control group, 3 AML CR group, 4 AML refractory relapsed group.the serum peptide spectrum between childhood ALL and healthy controls and obtained an optimum discriminatory pattern proposed by ClinProTools after MB-HIC 3-Bromo-5-chloro-2-fluoroaniline C8 enrichment. This model contained four relevant peaks: 2438 m/z, 6458 m/z, 7771 m/z and 9421 m/z. They may be four potential biomarkers for chi.


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